Nara Global Co.,Ltd. ⭐️

Nara Global Co.,Ltd. has been established in 1975 and played a major role as a modeling materials manufacturer in Thailand. Now, we are distributing to more than 77 countries. The main markets are Europe, the Middle East and the USA. Our company is a member of ICTI and is accredited ISO 9001:2015.

Address:  428 Anamai Ngamcharoen Road, Thakham, Bangkhoontien, Bangkok 10150

Phone:  +66 2 115 1937, +66 2 115 1938

Fax:  +66 2 115 1936

Contact:  Ms.Sirisopar Chairiwcharoen, Ms.Ramida Sawicamin


Categories:  Toys / Playthings

Main Materials:  Clay / Wax